Internal Processes
Total transparency
We will establish our baseline by adapting and expanding our annual Environmental Performance Report in alignment with globally used tools to produce a comprehensive picture of our current carbon emissions and energy use.
All in on the environment
In 2021, our new corporate Environmental Sustainability Policy will provide direction and guidance to employees. We will revise all corporate policies to promote mutually supporting documents and processes for anticipated environmental outcomes.
It's our job to help the planet
We will adopt our corporate sustainability mission, vision and values throughout relevant internal and/or external documents, including the Environmental Sustainability Policy.
Green across the board
We will embed environmental roles and responsibilities across all departments and business divisions, including at the Executive level, by 2022, keeping us accountable and in line with our corporate values of integrity and relevance.
Working with others
Leading by example
We will review and update procurement practices to enhance opportunities and selection of vendors who have implemented environmental policies and practices. We will encourage the requirement that vendors implement environmental policies and practices.
Impact where it matters
We will establish procurement criteria to factor sustainable sources and favour the prioritization of products that have an optimum environmental impact, where applicable.
Seizing every opportunity
We will amplify solutions and leverage opportunities for change by implementing a phased External Stakeholder Engagement Plan by 2022.
Communicating and Training
Learning by doing
Employees will be provided with education and training opportunities that support sustainable outcomes. This will enable our employees to be inspired, informed and act creatively and responsibly in implementing this strategy.
Growing greener together
We will implement a comprehensive cross-functional communications plan. By 2022, 100% of employees will know about CBC/Radio‑Canada's Greening Our Story Strategy and environmental corporate values, as well as relevant supporting corporate policies and where they can find them.
Our Strategy is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These goals represent an action plan for the planet and society to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. For more information check out: sdgs.un.org/goals.