A message from:
Catherine Tait

President and CEO (2018-2024)

Our targets
by 2026

Producting sustainably

3,2,1 action

We will produce and license content without doing harm and advance sustainable production in Canada.

Young girl hugging a tree

A light footprint

We commit to enabling low-carbon, efficient work environments across our activities, operations and decision-making, reducing our travel, consuming as few resources as possible and minimizing waste.

Landfill site, plastic in the ocean and a factory, and a beautiful landscape with mountains and a lake

Scripting a new path

We will accelerate positive impact through collective action by enabling our employees and partners to be agents of change. We will do this by embedding environmental sustainability as a key value through which our work is carried out, informing and training our employees, and engaging our partners to implement the required changes.

A parent and a child walking in the forest, holding hands

Shaping our narrative

We will demonstrate leadership and partner with industry stakeholders to amplify solutions by promoting the responsible development of Canadian content, enabling audiences to understand our role and contribution to sustainability, and continuing to showcase our contribution within the communities we serve.

Fir forest and aurora borealis